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The value of high-speed planting
High-speed planting provides several benefits. Since a larger area can be covered with the same working width, while also improving precision, there are several ways to increase net profit.

When timing is everything
The ideal planting window is typically narrow. Some
years extreme weather limits the time available even
further. Planting within the optimum period provides
perfect temperature and moisture for the planted crop.
Any delay reduces the yield potential.

Increased field efficiency
By planting with high speed the capacity of the
planter increases. Thereby a smaller planter is able to
cover the same area as a larger model. You benefit
from an increased field efficiency, as well as lower
horsepower requirements on the tractor.

One planter instead of two
High-speed planting means that more hectares can be
covered with fewer row units. This drastically lowers
input costs for the machine itself, but it can also save
one tractor and one driver in some cases.