Conical discs - better agronomy

The conical shape of the disc produces thorough soil tilth and mixes residues evenly. The specialized shape also ensures that the same working angle is maintained irrespective of disc wear and working depth. You benefit from excellent seedbed creation and quick residue breakdown.

Crumbling and mixing

The conical shape of the discs produces thorough soil tilth, which is important for seed-to-soil contact. The specialized disc shape also provides intesive mixing while preventing dry soil from being turned into the seeding zone. The intensive residue and soil mixing improves the rate of residue decomposition as well.

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No compaction

The sharp attack angle of the conical disc minimizes its contact surface to the soil. This leaves an open cultivation bottom, free of compaction. The result is a great environment for root development with  unobstructed moisture movement throughout the soil profile.

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Presses down rocks

The shape of the conical disc keeps it from bringing rocks up to the field surface. Instead, the rocks are pressed down to help prevent future problems.

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