A man that sit down on the field.

Optimized Crop establishment

Maximise the yield potential of every crop

Seeding and planting lay the foundation for the crop, where seed placement and precision are key to ensure strong plant growth and high yield potential. This results in stronger carbon sequestration, building the soil life. Utilizing cover crops to ensure a high-biomass crop is present during most times of the year, prolongs the carbon uptake even further. 

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A hand holding up a root.

The growth of the crop relies on the possibility of building a successful root system. This means fully enabled root development in the topsoil to gather nutrients, as well as access to deeper layers to ensure moisture access in dry periods.

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Man holding soil with earthworms.

The crop will benefit from the built-up soil life, where the soil microbes enable a healthy soil structure, and a symbiosis is established with the soil fungi.

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Maximise the yield potential to increase carbon sequestration

Minimise the disturbance to retain the soil life

Optimize the seedbed to enable root development

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Seeding and planting equipment